Presidential Attire

     No, no, this isn’t a rant on what the President chose to wear today for his speech in Warren.  (His uniform of white shirt and solid tie, no jacket, always gives him his desired air of industrious elegance.)  No, my concern here was with the attire of many of those who were lucky enough to have tickets to attend.

     I’m all for America looking like its casual self.  And with most of the guests having to arrive several hours before the President’s arrival, it meant a long, very warm day without a single cloud to provide a moment’s shade.  There are also security realities which, as any air traveler knows, can lead you to pare down your wardrobe to a detector-friendly minimum.  And yet… it is the President.

     Those who assumed the “invitation only” crowd would amount to a who’s who of Michigan politics and business would have seen plenty of faces they recognized. Yes, the expected luminaries were there, and thank goodness because they arrived looking like they knew the President was coming.  I don’t want to sound like Mr. Blackwell, and yes, there was much more to discuss today than fashion, but I was, ahem, rather stunned.  A number of women seemed to dress as if they had heard that the President was available (and not particularly discerning).  A number of the men apparently couldn’t be bothered to find their very cleanest t-shirt.  There were more than a few people like me who longed to be free of their suit and tie in the blistering sunshine, so I’m not expecting Savile Row here.  But I was rather dismayed by the array of tank tops, nylon sports shorts and flip flops.  (Does it really get too hot for a bra?)

     Okay, I’m off the soapbox.  Back to politics….


5 Responses

  1. Michigan’s dress code exhibits the mentality of a stamping plant – we seem to dress as the world views us , and we see ourselves-visit any super market in Michigan and it is sad that flip flops and T Shirts are the dress of the day – We seem to live in a trench totally unaware of the world around us-no longer are we ladies and gentlemen-your reference point on how you present yourself is learned- street lessons are a bad textbook for survival-it is time to leave the street and walk with pride on the sidewalk !

  2. I don’t know what’s happened to people’s sense of showing respect. My mom and dad’s generation would have all shown up in their “Sunday best” to an event with the President of the United States. I’m sad to say that my generation has gotten plain old lazy. They don’t dress up for anything anymore. Not for weddings, not for funerals, not for graduations, and evidently not for the President. And the younger generation… fagitaboutit! The only time they want to dress up is when going out on New Year’s Eve. Of course it doesn’t help that the President sets a more casual tone by not wearing a suit coat. But there’s still no excuse for tacky, dirty, or sleazy clothing when you’re invited to hear the President speak. It’s embarrassing!

  3. Devin…have you ever worn a bra? Just joking, but you are right.

    • I try not to let the straps show on the air… (No, never actually, which is why I didn’t want to presume its comfort level on a warm day.)

  4. There is definitely more “respectable” ways to stay cool on a warm day. Ladies for general could have worn a tasteful skirt. If I was invited, I would wear a short sleeved dress causal shirt (key word dress), and a knee length skirt. Fancy and more comfortable than slacks.

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